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Brain and Language Lab
Dr. Ullman’s research investigates the neural and computational bases of both first and second language, how language and memory are affected in various disorders, and how factors such as sex, handedness, genetic variability, and hormones affect the neuro-cognition of language and memory.
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Nassim Zecavati, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Pediatric NeurologyDirector, Pediatric Neurology EducationDirector, International Pediatric Stroke Study MedStar Georgetown Pediatrics at Tenleytown4200 Wisconsin Ave NW,
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Ashley VanMeter, Ph.D.
Professor on the Tenure Track, Department of NeurologyDirector, Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging Email: Ashley.VanMeter@georgetown.eduOffice: Preclinical Science Building, Suite LM-
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Michael Ullman, PhD
Professor, Department of Neuroscience Secondary appointments in the Departments of Neurology, Linguistics and Psychology Director, Brain and Language Lab Director, Georgetown EEG/ERP Laborator
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R. Scott Turner, MD, PhD
Director, Memory Disorders ProgramProfessor, Department of Neurology Contact information: 202-784-6671 (Carolyn Ward) Specialty: NeurologyMedical School: Emory University School of Medicine
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Peter E. Turkeltaub, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Departments of Neurology and Rehabilitation MedicineDirector, Cognitive Recovery LabMedical Director, Center for Aphasia Research and Rehabilitation, Georgetown University Me
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Rochelle E. Tractenberg, PhD
Professor, Department of Neurology (preferred)291 Building D PhD (2009) University of Maryland, College Park, Measurement, Statistics & EvaluationDoctoral Level
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Carlo Tornatore, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of NeurologyExecutive Director, Multiple Sclerosis Patient Centered Specialty PracticeCo-Director, Neurology Clerkship, Georgetown University School of Medicine
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Ted Supalla, PhD
Professor, Neurology, Linguistics, and PsychologyCenter for Brain Plasticity and RecoveryDirector, Sign Language Research Lab Ph.D. (1982) University of California, San Die
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Michael D. Sirdofsky, MD
Director, EMG Laboratory/Neuromuscular DivisionDirector, MDA ClinicAssociate Professor, Department of Neurology Georgetown University Hospital Pasquerilla Healthcare Center (PHC), 7th FloorOff
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