Georgetown Brain Bank
Due to funding limitations, effective immediately, the Georgetown Brain Bank will only be able to provide banking and diagnostic neuropathology reports for grant reimbursed studies until further notice. We hope this is a temporary occurrence, and we are working closely with the MedStar Health and Georgetown Development offices to secure funding for general collections. If you have particular questions please contact Ms. Ward, our GBB Coordinator.

If you wish to specify research funding be used for clinical trials or a specific disease, please include that information in Special Instructions on the giving form.
Mission Statement
The Georgetown Brain Bank (GBB) provides an integrated educational, clinical, and experimental resource to the Georgetown University Medical Center and MedStar Health neuroscience community and our patients and their families. We provide detailed neuropathological evaluation as well as stewardship of tissue/biofluid procurement, storage, and distribution.
Medical autopsy remains the “gold standard” for diagnosing and classifying neurological diseases. Autopsies also allow (when permitted) collection of tissues and biofluids for research into the pathology of specific diseases. However, reimbursement for autopsies by the federal government, even at academic medical centers, is very limited. As a result, autopsy rates have dramatically decreased in recent years. This is occurring at a time when small and large scale clinical trials for new neurotherapeutics desperately need to have established diagnoses during studies and confirmed upon autopsy and when the genetics of diseases need to be correlated with pathological and clinical findings.
We established the Georgetown Brain Bank in late 2011 to serve three key constituents of our academic medical center: our patients and clinicians, our trainees/students, and our researchers.
- Families and the clinical teams caring for our patients with neurological diseases benefit from a careful neuropathological examination to provide accurate diagnoses and context to patients’ illness and valuable information for descendants.
- Medical students, neuroscience graduate students, and house staff learn about neurological diseases from educational sessions on neuropathology.
- The research community has access to well-characterized tissues/fluids to allow for translational research projects and collaborative neuropathologists to assist them. Clinical researchers are able to confirm diagnoses crucial to understanding results of their trials.
Progress to Date:
- We have been very successful in recruiting interested families receiving care from the Memory Disorders Program and MGUH Neurology Department for donation of tissues to the GBB. To date we have tissue donations in the GBB with diagnoses ranging from controls (no CNS diseases) to ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Brain tumors, Diffuse Lewy Disease, and Frontotemporal Dementia.
- Several grateful families have made philanthropic donations which have been essential to supporting the initial establishment of the GBB. However, this funding will expire soon.
- We have received foundation grant support from Target ALS to work with other prominent academic medical centers in the United States for ALS tissue banking specifically. Dr. Harris serves as the lead neuropathology coordinator for this multi-center project. This is the largest and most comprehensive ALS tissue banking program in the US. Target ALS also supports Georgetown Brain Bank donors who are cognitively normal (controls) and those with Fronto-temporal dementia.
- Georgetown University Medical Center and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital have provided continuing support for the GBB.
- Georgetown has received philanthropic funding from the Alex Manfull Fund to start a new brain bank for PANS/PANDAS and other Neuroimmune Disorders (POND Brain Bank) – the first of its kind in the world!
- The Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials Consortium (ACTC) supports GBB donors who participated in its clinical trials.
- We have developed specific protocols for tissue banking, obtained support from the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital’s Neurology Department for an autopsy coordinator, worked with Georgetown University informatics colleagues to develop a Redcap secure on-line database for case information, involved multiple students and trainees in conferences reviewing the pathology of each case, provided detailed neuropathological reports for families/clinicians, presented Clinical Pathological Correlations (CPCs) on cases to clinical teams, and provided tissues after signing material transfer agreements with Georgetown University as well as with external NIH and other University investigators and pharmaceuticals company in USA and globally for disease treating/curing research.
Ongoing Goals
- To work with GUMC/MGUH Development Offices to explore philanthropic funding sources to support GBB growth.
- To continue refining logistics for CNS-only autopsies at MGUH and other MedStar Hospitals, hire/allocate personnel to support the GBB, and maintain physical equipment/space.
- To work with GUMC investigators to incorporate biofluids as part of the GBB repository.
- To provide de-identified tissue/fluid samples to GU/MGUH/Medstar investigators and external investigators directly collaborating with these investigators.
- To identify further external grant/contract support for CNS biobanking program.
- To collaborate with the GUSOM School of Medicine’s Anatomical Donor Program to share donors.
- To work with the Infinite Legacy program and DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to expand our collections.
The decision to undergo a medical autopsy and provide tissues for a brain bank is a very personal one for patients and their families. Discussion among family members and with care providers is important. At present, the GBB is not funded to accept tissues exclusively as a donation (except in specifically grant funded projects).
Families unaffiliated with MGUH and not covered through a specific research study protocol may be eligible for a consult neuropathology evaluation and tissue donation but will have to pay for brain autopsy services.
Competent individuals may indicate their desire for brain autopsy and donation in their living will so that family members know their wishes and can discuss this with their clinicians. Most often individuals do not die in the hospital and logistics need to be arranged with the families’ chosen funeral home, the next-of-kin, the patient’s physician, and the GBB. Permission for the autopsy and donation can only be given after the individual has passed away.
Tissues for research are most beneficial soon after death, and having the logistics worked out in advance is very helpful. The GBB is available to assist with this. Our Neurology Autopsy Coordinators can be contacted for information and forms to review (Ms. Carolyn Ward, and Ms. Marina Selenica,, or 202-687-4466). Dr. Harris ( and Dr. Khan ( are also available to answer questions and discuss the process.
While some funding for the GBB is being provided by GUMC and MGUH, the GBB will only be sustainable with significant philanthropic and grant support. We seek to obtain support to maintain current operations as well as to assist families with all transportation fees and allow for after-hours/weekend donations. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the GBB please contact our Development Office at 202-687-4491 or see link on this page for “Make a Gift.”
Brain Banking in the 21st Century
Learn more about the Georgetown Brain Bank by viewing this December 2023 webinar designed to educate attendees about its history, operation, mission and goals.
Contact Information

Galam A. Khan, MD
Assistant Director, Georgetown Brain Bank
GUMC, Dept. of Neurology

Carolyn Ward, MSPH
Coordinator, Georgetown Brain Bank
GUMC, Dept. of Neurology
Building D, Suite 207
4000 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20057
Office phone : 202-687-4466

Marina Selenica, MS
Program Manager, TALS Postmortem Core & Coordinator, POND Brain Bank
GUMC, Dept. of Neurology
Building D, Room 303
4000 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20057
Office phone : 202-687-3512