Archive: General Page

  • Patient Information

    MedStar Georgetown University Hospital has been ranked among the best in the nation, and is above the DC and National averages for patient recommendations on HospitalCompare. Among the 1100 physician

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  • Subspecialty Centers & Clinical Services

    Click on the links below to learn more about a service. Electroencephalographic (EEG) LaboratoryElectromyography (EMG) LaboratoryEpilepsy CenterMemory Disorders ProgramGeneral Neurology Clini

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  • ASL Test Battery

    Conducted entirely in ASL, the ASL Test Battery has been adapted to ascertain language competence in a more systematic/extensive way as compared to the ASL-SRT. It was originally developed to look at

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    The ASL Sentence Repetition Task (ASL-SRT) is an adaptation of the TOAL-3 (Test of Adult & Adolescent Language). Subjects hear one sentence at a time and are instructed to repeat each sentence exactl

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  • fMRI

    An array of experiments are being conducted using fMRI technology to provide yet another way to ask basic questions about how language is processed in the brain as well as how the visual system works

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  • Films and Dictionaries Toolkit

    An essential part of research requires the use of appropriate tools for data analysis. Many of these tools are demonstrated in this relational database ranging from the provision of some background o

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  • Films

    In the early part of this century, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) created a set of films of the most fluent 'sign masters' of the time. Their goal was to preserve and demonstrate the sign

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  • Dictionaries

    Around the same time that the NAD films were produced, three dictionaries of The Sign Language were published. Of the three authors, two were deaf. These dictionaries provided a platform for developi

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  • Sign Tokens

    The Sign Tokens database provides a cross-referenced listing of all signs that appear in the NAD Films and the three early ASL Dictionaries published during the same era. The sign tokens are listed a

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  • Neurophysiology and Behavior Lab

    Dr. Kanwal is interested in the neurodynamics of complex adaptive networks and in the brain’s design principles for socioemotional communication and decision making. Neural design principles of particular interest include hemispheric asymmetry, multifunctionality at the level of neurons and circuits, and fronto-amygdalar interactions.

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