The International Pediatric Stroke Study

GUH is a participant in the International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS). We currently have an IRB protocol entitled “Towards the Establishment of Standards of Practice and the Initiation of Multi-Center, Multi-National Clinical Trials for Neonates and Children with Stroke”. The purpose of this research is to learn more about the natural history of childhood stroke (sudden blockage of blood flow to part of the brain). Stroke is uncommon in children compared to adults, and it is not well understood. By pooling the information from our institution with children from other countries, we will discover if there are differences in childhood stroke in the United States compared with other countries and answer our research questions about the kinds of stroke, reasons for stroke, treatments given to children with stroke, and the degree of recovery after stroke in children more quickly, since there will be many more children with stroke studied together.
Research Team
Principal Investigator: Nassim Zecavati MD
Co-investigators: Stella Legarda MD, Cesar Santos MD
Contact Information
Nassim Zecavati, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Neurology
Georgetown University Hospital
3800 Reservoir Rd, NW 2PHC
Washington, DC 20007
Office: 202-444-8785
Fax: 202-444-7161
- Seizures in Acute Childhood Stroke. Singh RK, Zecavati N, Singh H, Kaulas H, Nelson K, Dean NP, Gaillard WD. J Pediatr. 2012 Feb;160(2):291-6. Epub 2011 Sep 10.
- The Child Neurology Society 2010 Annual Meeting: “Do Seizure Predict Neurological Outcome in Children with Acute Ischemic Stroke.” Nassim Zecavati MD, MPH, Rani Singh MD, Jennifer Pettiford BS, Jessica Carpenter MD. Georgetown University Hospital and Children’s National Medical Center.
- The American Academy of Neurology 2010 Annual Meeting: “DWI Volume of Infarction Predicts Neurological Outcome in Children following Acute Ischemic Stroke”. Nassim Zecavati MD MPH, Rani Singh MD, Jennifor Pettiford BS, Nadja Kadom MD. Georgetown University Hospital and Children’s National Medical Center.
- The Child Neurology Society 2009 Annual Meeting: “The Role of Inflammatory Markers following Acute Ischemic Stroke in Children.” Nassim Zecavati MD, MPH, Rani Singh MD, Jennifer Pettiford BS, Jessica Carpenter MD. Children’s National Medical Center.
- The 63rd (2009) Annual American Epilepsy Society Meeting: “Seizure incidence, EEG characteristics, and short-term outcome in the pediatric stroke population.” Rani Singh MD, Nassim Zecavati MD, Steven Weinstein MD, Jessica Carpenter MD. Children’s National Medical Center.
- The American Academy of Neurology 2009 Annual Meeting: “An update on the Etiology and Epidemiology of Pediatric Stroke”: Nassim Zecavati MD, MPH, Rani Singh MD, Jennifer Pettiford BS, Steven Weinstein MD, Jessica Carpenter MD. Children’s National Medical Center.
- The American Academy of Neurology 2009 Annual Meeting: “Seizure incidence and EEG characteristics in the pediatric stroke population.” Rani Singh MD, Nassim Zecavati MD, MPH, Jennifer Pettiford BS, Steven Weinstein MD, Jessica Carpenter MD. Children’s National Medical Center.
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